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For the first time, Ukraine has extracted enough gas for the entire heating season, says Chernyshov

Ukraine has extracted enough gas to secure the entire heating season for the first time since its independence.

Oleksii Chernyshov, head of Naftogaz of Ukraine, said this while talking on the air of the national telethon.

Quote"I’d like to remind you that we have been increasing domestic extraction of natural gas, and the numbers are growing. In 2023, Naftogaz made a record-high number of new wells, and we’re set to continue this trend next year. We plan that this winter we will secure enough gas from our own extractions, and our calculations prove that this is possible," said Oleksii Chernyshov.

The head of Naftogaz is also certain that there will be no upheavals in the country during this heating season with respect to not only gas supply but also its cost for individual consumers.

Quote"We are absolutely confident about the upcoming winter. We have enough gas, and tariffs are stable. Therefore, I ask all consumers to implement energy efficiency measures and to treat this type of energy responsibly. Because this is Ukrainian production, our joint achievement with you," urged the head of Naftogaz.

Naftogaz also plans to increase extraction by 1 to 3 billion cubic meters per year. In August, JSC "Ukrgazvydobuvannya" launched two more high-flow wells, which will produce a total of over 30,000 cubic meters of natural gas per day.

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