Ukrainian Sea Baby drones were shown shooting at Russian ships — video


The Security Service of Ukraine showed Sea Baby naval drones shooting at Russian ships — a video by the SSU

Ukrainian Sea Baby naval surface drones are capable of attacking Russian ships by not only crashing into them but also shooting from a distance. The head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Vasyl Maliuk, showed a video of Sea Babies working in his interview with the Ukrainian Pravda.

A Sea Baby naval drone shooting at Russian ships — a video

The drones are equipped with a flamethrower system designed for naval combat. The video posted by the SSU shows Sea Babies firing at Russian boats that tried to attack the drones.

"The Sea Baby is already not just a naval drone but a multi-purpose platform, which is extensively used by the SSU today for various operations, including assaults on the Russian Black Sea Fleet," the Ukrainian Pravda wrote, citing Vasyl Maliuk.

Vasyl Maliuk on the SSU’s naval drones

The first versions of the drones were used on the night of October 28–29, 2022, to attack the Admiral Makarov frigate, which was a flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, the Ivan Golubets minesweeper, an oil filling station in Sevastopol Bay, and Ladny and Admiral Essen patrol ships.

The SSU and the Ministry of Interior also used their surface naval drones to attack the Kerch Bridge on July 17, 2023.

The new generation of surface drones known as the Sea Baby features an 850-kg warhead, advanced communication systems, and a hull made of an alloy, which makes it impossible to spot on Russian radars.

According to the chief of the SSU, it was the Sea Baby drones that hit the Samum and Pavel Derzhavin missile carriers, the Nikolay Muru rescue tugboat, and the Vladimir Kozitzky modern reconnaissance and hydrographic ship.

"The successful drone attacks proved it to be an effective means of countering the enemy at sea. We have started scaling up the use of surface drones. The SSU operates Sea Baby drones today. This is a newer and enhanced generation of naval drones. No private companies have been engaged in their development. A team of SSU specialists, including engineers, IT professionals, and Navy personnel, is working on it," Vasyl Maliuk emphasized.

On the night of August 3–4, 2023, a pilot model of the SSU’s Mamai drone struck the Russian Olenegorsky Gornyak landing ship in the harbor of the port of Novorossiysk, and the next day, the Sig oil tanker used by the Russian defense ministry was hit.

Mamai has a 450-kg warhead and features the biggest speed and operating range among surface drones.

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