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Mamai attack surface drones were made for the SSU

Mamai attack surface drones were made for the SSU

Mamai attack surface drones were made for the SSU

The Security Service of Ukraine uses Mamai attack surface drones for special operations in the Black Sea. The security service has disclosed the new development for the first time.

The SSU noted that surface drones have actually redefined the philosophy of naval operations.

Quote"Thus, the Mamai is currently the fastest vehicle in the Black Sea, able to move at up to 110 kilometers per hour," the SSU said.

The security service also uses Sea Baby surface drones.

The Sea Baby surface drone

The Sea Baby surface drone

SSU head Vasyl Maliuk claimed that Sea Baby drones had successfully attacked the Kerch Bridge and other Russian assets and said that the uncrewed vehicle was a multi-purpose platform that is effectively used today.

The Mamai naval attack drone

The Mamai naval attack drone

According to the SSU, the surface drones that damaged the Kerch Bridge in July 2023 had an 850-kg warhead.

These drones are the result of months-long development that started immediately after the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, Vasyl Maliuk said.

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