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No quick end to the war in sight, says Finnish defense minister

The war in Ukraine is a war for the future of Europe as a whole, but it shouldn’t be expected to end soon.

Finnish Minister of Defense Antti Häkkänen (NCP) said this in his Christmas greeting to Finnish peacekeepers.

Quote"Russia's policy of power has created a sense of insecurity and uncertainty in Europe and throughout the world. We have received painful evidence that a larger state can see as its right to interfere with the choices of its smaller neighbor and is ready to use military force to advance its own purposes," said Häkkänen.

The minister asserted that 2023 would be remembered in many different ways: as a year of the war as well as the year of Finland’s accession to NATO and the defense cooperation agreement between Finland and the United States.

Quote"With membership, our security is guaranteed by the world's strongest defense alliance. An alliance whose principles include an attack on one member state being an attack on the entire alliance," Häkkänen underscored.

The Page reported earlier that Finland had decided to close its border with Russia entirely.

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