Combat losses of Russian invaders as of February 13, 2024 — General Staff of AFU

Combat losses of Russian invaders as of February 13. Photo: General Staff of AFU

As of February 13, 2024, the Armed Forces of Ukraine killed 1090 Russian invaders and destroyed 8 tanks, 27 APVs, and 19 artillery systems of the enemy, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The total combat losses of the enemy from February 24, 2022, to February 13, 2024, approximately amounted to:

  • personnel — about 397,080 (+1090),
  • tanks — 6,424 (+8),
  • APV — 12,004 (+27),
  • artillery systems — 9,500 (+19),
  • MLRS — 981,
  • air defense systems — 667 (+1),
  • aircraft — 332,
  • helicopters — 325,
  • UAV operational-tactical level — 7,332 (+30),
  • cruise missiles — 1,882,
  • warships/boats — 24,
  • submarines — 1,
  • vehicles and fuel tanks — 12,623 (+24);
  • special equipment — 1,518 (+4).

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