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13 days off: how Ukrainians will rest on the May holidays and what will work

In May, Ukrainians will rest for almost half a month—13 days, and there will be 18 working days. Easter is celebrated on May 2, 2021—this day off will be substituted to May 4. However, it is not yet known whether the lockdown in Kyiv will be extended until the end of the May holidays.

At the same time, the Ministry of Health assured that they would not specifically impose an Easter lockdown. However, the mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko announced restrictions on the May holidays. The Page has been figuring out when Ukrainians can rest in May and how banks and post offices will work.

In addition to May 4, Ukrainians also have a day off on Monday, May 3—the day off was substituted because International Worker’s Day on May 1 falls on Saturday. May 10 will also be a day off.

May be 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30 will be the days off.

Work of banks in Ukraine during May Holidays—2021

Banks will determine their own work schedule during the May holidays. Official days off are: May 1—4 and May 8—10. According to the NBU, the electronic payment system will operate on a 23/7 basis, so banks will be able to make interbank payments almost around the clock, regardless of weekends.

At the same time, banks that will make interbank payments:

  • will display May 1—4 as the calendar date of the first next business day, that is, May 5, 2021;
  • will display May 8—10 as the calendar date of the first next business day, that is, May 11, 2021.

Work of post offices in Ukraine during May holidays—2021

During May holidays—2021, Nova Poshta will not work on May 2. At the same time, on May 3, its offices and delivery service will work according to Sunday's schedule.

On the rest of the days off, the office will work as usual.

How Ukrposhta will work during the May holidays—2021

During the May holidays in 2021, Ukrposhta will not stop providing services, but not all offices will work. So, on May 1, 2, 3, 9, and 10 only duty offices will work.

On May 4, the post offices will work as usual.

At the same time, it should be remembered that adaptive quarantine is in effect throughout Ukraine. It provides for restrictions in accordance with the quarantine danger in the region.

These zones are marked with colors, therefore, despite the holidays, certain restrictions on the work of various institutions and traffic continue to apply. In particular, there is a possibility of imposing an all-Ukrainian lockdown.

Restrictions in zones of epidemic danger

Restrictions in the "yellow" zone

In the "yellow" zone it is allowed to hold mass events if 4 square meters of space is allocated for one person, or the hall is filled by 50%)/ In particular, it is allowed to visit educational institutions in groups of no more than 20 people, presence of spectators in the stands during sporting events, but with restrictions, catering can work until 00:00.

Restrictions in the "orange" zone

In the "orange" zone, there are restrictions of the "yellow" one and the following are added:

  • prohibition of the activities of accommodation facilities: hostels, tourist centers, etc., except for hotels;
  • activities of entertainment establishments and restaurants at night;
  • planned hospital admissions;
  • acceptance of new children in children's camps;
  • work of gyms, fitness studios, cultural institutions;
  • a restriction is imposed on mass events: 1 person per 20 sq. m and no more than 100 people.

Restrictions in the "red" zone

The "red" zone provides for severe restrictions that will be imposed if there is a threat of the healthcare system collapse.

In these zones, according to the decision of local authorities, schools and kindergartens may be closed, as well as the public transport may be restricted.

The following establishments are also closed:

  • restaurants and shopping centers;
  • cinemas;
  • theaters;
  • food markets and other institutions.

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