KRAIL fines: what brands and media are being fined for

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On March 1, 2024, KRAYL (National Bank of Ukraine) applied a financial sanction measure for the first time. The reason was a violation of legislative requirements regarding the advertising of gambling. The violator had to pay a fine in the amount of 2.13 million UAH. The penalty amounts to up to 300 minimum wages in Ukraine. Thus, the indicator can change on a regular basis, after indexing.

About Online Casinos have prepared an update on the legislation regarding the advertising of gambling in Ukraine, read their research.

What is prohibited when advertising gambling services

From October 2, 2023, changes have been made to the legislation of Ukraine. Now there are strict requirements for advertising gambling games.

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  • Advertising on television and radio from 23:00 to 06:00.
  • Using various publications that are not thematic.
  • Attempts to attract clients through advertising on vehicles and at events where individuals under 21 years old may be present.

What else is prohibited for casinos in Ukraine

KRAIL was created to legalize the gambling business. Thus, each gambling establishment should operate in compliance with legislative norms.

Main reasons for imposing fines:

  • Lack of a license for gambling activities.
  • Persons under 21 years of age are not allowed for gambling entertainment.
  • Access to games is not restricted for individuals who have been added to the registry of gamblers.

These prohibitions are outlined in Article 58. The Law of Ukraine "On State Regulation of Activities Related to Organization and Conduct of Gambling". Article 59 deals with violations in conducting advertising campaigns for gambling establishments and bookmakers.

Several cases of cancellation of KRIL license.

If a gambling establishment regularly violates legislative norms, it may lose its license from KRIL. In this case, it will be almost impossible for him to continue working in Ukraine.

In 2022-2023, KRIL revoked the licenses of the following gambling operators due to their connection with Russia:


Most often KRAEL imposes fines. Cancellation of a license is possible only in serious cases and repeated violations of established norms.

The author of the article is Olena Bilytsa — the chief editor of the popular web portal ProInternet casino.

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