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The IMF will provide a $886 million disbursement for Ukraine


The International Monetary Fund enabled around $886 million as part of the first revision of the Extended Fund Facility program for Ukraine. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the disbursement on Twitter and thanked the Fund for help.

Quote"The IMF has just approved the first review of the EFF program, which enables immediate disbursement of about $886 million for Ukraine. Thanks Kristalina Georgieva and the IMF Executive Board for the support!"

The money will be used to support the budget. According to Interfax-Ukraine, the Fund has emphasized that Ukraine needs responsibility and reforms to ensure macroeconomic and financial stability.

The IMF press release says that Kyiv should maintain its tax base, focusing on the development of a National Revenue Strategy to finance reconstruction and social spending. The IMF noted that it was also important to ensure external financing of the budget and reconstruction projects on preferential terms.

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