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The United Kingdom introduced sanctions against 25 companies that import weapons and components to Russia

The United Kingdom introduced new sanctions in order to restrict Russia’s access to foreign military equipment. The list includes 22 individuals and entities outside Russia and three Russian companies that import electronic components for the Russian army.

The president’s Chief of Staff, Andrii Yermak, reported this on Telegram.

The companies targeted by the restrictions included Turkish Turkik Union and Azu International, sanctioned for exporting microelectronics; the Dubai-based Aeromotus Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Trading LLC, for supplying drones; a Slovak national, Ashot Mkrtychev, for brokering weapons supply from North Korea to Russia; and Anselm Oskar Schmucki, a Swiss national, head of the Moscow office of DuLac Capital Ltd.

The British sanctions also target Belarusian and Iranian individuals and entities.

On Monday, the United Kingdom also introduced legislation to keep anti-Russian sanctions effective until Moscow pays compensation to Ukraine.

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