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The Bulgarian and Romanian navies started clearing mines in the Black Sea

The Bulgarian and Romanian navies started clearing mines in the Black Sea near the Bulgarian coast, on the route of the new Ukrainian maritime corridor.

The information was shared by the Center for Transport Strategies, which cites Andrii Klymenko, head of the monitoring group at the Black Sea Institute of Strategic Studies.

Quote"Our Black Sea neighbors demonstrate a strikingly brief period between making a decision on the creation of a mine-sweeping group and the start of practical action. They are not limited to Bulgarria’s territorial sea (the 12-mile zone of territorial waters) but also work in the adjacent zone, the one where the routes of bulkers shipping through the new Ukrainian corridor are going," Klymenko said.

The mine-sweeping group currently includes seven ships.

Earlier, three NATO countries, namely Turkey, Romania, and Bulgaria, announced the creation of a special unit to clear the Black Sea of mines that come into their territorial waters because of the Russian aggression against Ukraine.

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