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Ukraine needs up to $48 billion in 2023 — IMF

Ukraine needs between $40 billion and $48 billion in funding this year in order for its economy to function. According to Bloomberg, IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said this at a conference in Dubai.

According to Georgieva, the fund is working on a program with Ukraine and has been supporting it in running a "war economy".

Quote"I am full of admiration for the Ukrainian authorities," the IMF director said when speaking of how she heard air raid sirens during virtual meetings with Ukrainian officials and saw them rush to shelters.

In January 2023, the IMF was reported to be exploring the possibility of providing Ukraine with a multiyear aid package worth as much as $16 billion to help cover the country’s needs and provide a catalyst for more international funding.

Andrii Pyshnyi, the head of the National Bank of Ukraine, estimated Ukraine’s need for foreign funding for 2023 to be at least $38 billion.

This February, Deputy Minister of Finance of Ukraine Olga Zykova said at the Rapid Recovery of Ukraine international business forum that Ukraine needed $3 billion in donor financing per month to continue standing up to Russian aggression and avoid monetary financing.

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