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First shipment of Ukrainian corn left Romanian Black Sea port

In the Romanian Black Sea port of Constanta, on Thursday, the ship Unity N completed loading 71,000 tons of Ukrainian corn – for the first time since a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Since Ukraine's seaports have been blocked due to Russia's invasion, Ukraine is forced to send cargo to Romania by train, across its western border, or through its small river ports on the Danube.

In addition, Romania agreed to ship agricultural products from Ukraine through its seaport of Constanta.

Quote"This is the first panamax vessel with Ukrainian corn to leave the port," Viorel Panait, the Comvex President, told Reuters.

To support the export of Ukrainian grain means to prevent a colossal wave of world hunger provoked by the blockade of Ukrainian ports, Panayt added.

According to him, earlier this week the operator loaded about 35,000 tons of Ukrainian iron ore, and the second vessel should be loaded on May 15.

About 80,000 tons of Ukrainian grain have already been sent to Constanta. Another 80,000 tons are expected, said Constanta Port's manager.

Panayt also noted that the port's connecting infrastructure needs improvement.

Quote"The infrastructure around the port is a problem for all economic activity in Romania ... slow access generates additional costs in these industries," he said.

Panayt welcomed the Romanian government's plans to rebuild several railway lines connecting ports with Ukraine's borders.

Earlier, The Page wrote how Russia's invasion of Ukraine is creating a food crisis around the world. The two months of war against Ukraine, the exporter of 30% of the world's sunflower oil reserves and 4% of wheat, will significantly impact the international grain and oil markets.

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