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President Zelenskyi will introduce a draft law on multiple nationality into the parliament

President Zelenskyi will introduce a draft law on multiple nationality into the parliament

President Zelenskyi will introduce a draft law on multiple nationality into the parliament

On January 22, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi introduced a draft law into the parliament to make multiple amendments to legislation to establish the institution of multiple nationality. The president announced the initiative in his address on the occasion of the Day of Unity of Ukraine.

Address by Volodymyr Zelenskyi on the Day of Unity (video):

Quote"Today I am submitting to the Verkhovna Rada a key draft law that will allow the adoption of comprehensive legislative amendments and the introduction of multiple citizenship. And it will allow all ethnic Ukrainians and their descendants from around the world to have our citizenship. Of course, except for citizens of the aggressor country," the president said.

The Constitution of Ukraine currently provides for single citizenship.

Earlier, the president introduced the draft law on multiple citizenship No. 2590 to the Verkhovna Rada in mid-December 2019.

The document introduces the possibility of taking the oath of a citizen of Ukraine by a foreigner who is a citizen of a state included by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in the list of states whose citizens have the right to take an oath to acquire Ukrainian citizenship to become a Ukrainian citizen by territorial origin, acceptance of Ukrainian citizenship, or renewal of Ukrainian citizenship.

The document also expands the range of those eligible to acquire Ukrainian citizenship by territorial origin by including grand-grandparents in the range of persons whose family members are entitled to acquire Ukrainian citizenship by territorial origin.

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