Not all multinational corporations have left Russia after its invasion of Ukraine. The global community has introduced strict sanctions, but a number of brands and companies still operate in the aggressor country. And they get quite a payoff from it.
Specialists from B4Ukraine, a global coalition of civil society organizations led by a common purpose to block access to economic resources enabling Russian aggression, calculated the 2023 financial results and other "achievements" of some of the "remainers".
- $50 million paid in income tax to the Russian budget;
- around 3,000 people are employed in Russia.
- $115 million paid in income tax to the Russian budget;
- supplies crisps to Russian soldiers;
- the Kyiv plant was ruined by Russia.
Mondelez International:
- $62 million paid in income tax to the Russian budget;
- the exports of the Milka chocolate to Russia rose by 130%.
Procter & Gamble:
- $42 million paid in income tax to the Russian budget;
- the prices for Russian products have been raised by 40%.
- $93 million paid in income tax to the Russian budget;
- the profits in Russia increased by 59%;
- 6,000 people are employed in Russia.
- semi-finished products worth $374 million were supplied to Russia;
- the Russian financial documents have been classified;
- instruments were secretly shipped to Russia;
- 7,000 people are employed in Russia.
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