302 ships have exported 10 tons of food through the Black Sea corridor

302 ships have exported 10 tons of food through the Black Sea corridor. Photo: Myc.News

Since August 2023, 302 ships have exported food produced by Ukrainian agrarians and other cargo to 24 countries through the Black Sea corridor.

The Center for Transport Strategies published the statistics on its website.

A total of 10 million tons of cargo have been exported through the Black Sea corridor.

Despite Russia’s systemic attacks on the port infrastructure, the ports of the Greater Odesa have accepted 337 new vessels for loading since the Ukrainian corridor started operating, and another 79 are to be accepted in the near future.

As we reported previously, Russian officials terminated the Grain Deal, which had been effective for two months, on July 17.

The agreement enabled the safe transportation of approximately 30 million tons of grain since it was signed in July 2022. This helped lower global food prices, which had risen to record highs after the Russian invasion. The main destinations for Ukrainian grain are China and Spain.

The transportation of grain through the Black Sea was hindered by continual interruptions in the joint inspection of ships. The speed of these inspections was crucial to Ukraine's ability to sell the wheat harvested since July.

However, even after the extension of the agreement, Russia repeatedly violated it, deliberately delaying inspections of vessels entering Ukrainian seaports.

Danube shipping is another export route alternative to the Grain Agreement. Danube ports have received and processed 27.6 million tons of cargo in the first 10 months of 2023. This is 45.6% more than in the same period of 2022.

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