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Zelenskyi may meet with Orban, as agreed by Yermak and Szijjártó


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi may meet with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in the future. Preliminary agreements have been reached in a telephone conversation between Andriy Yermak, the Head of the Office of the President, and Péter Szijjártó, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Quote"We agreed to work on setting an appropriate date for this meeting," Yermak reported.

On instructions from the president, Yermak discussed Ukraine’s progress in European integration with Péter Szijjártó.

The head of the president’s office assured his Hungarian counterpart that the Verkhovna Rada was to pass "a number of bills important for European integration" in the coming days.

Quote"We will keep our commitments in full," Yermak asserted.

He hinted to Szijjártó that Ukraine expected a positive decision on opening membership negotiations with Ukraine to be made at the meeting of the European Council on December 14–15.

The Page earlier reported that it was Fidesz, Orban’s political party, that impeded the accession talks.

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