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The European Commission recommended starting EU accession negotiations with Ukraine

On Wednesday, November 8, the European Commission presented a report saying that Ukraine was ready for negotiations about its accession to the European Union. The report recommends initiating the negotiation process.

Meanwhile, the recommendation contains "technical caveats," saying that the country needs to achieve further progress in key areas, from the creation of a sustainable and independent court system to the protection of minorities and introducing anti-corruption measures. In March 2024, the European Commission will report to the EU Council on the progress made by Ukraine and another candidate, Moldova, with whom it was also proposed to start accession talks.

The Commission also recommended assigning Georgia, which is yet to become a candidate for EU accession, candidate status. However, the Commission emphasized that the country’s government has to implement important reforms.

In the case of Georgia, in light of the results achieved, the Commission recommends that the Council grant Georgia candidate status, subject to a number of steps being taken. As regards Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Commission recommends that accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina be opened once the necessary level of compliance with the membership criteria has been achieved. The country needs to make further efforts to fulfill the key priorities set out in the Commission's Opinion on its application for EU membership.

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