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The International Sustainability Forum will develop a Green Strategy for Ukraine

The International Sustainability Forum will develop a Green Strategy for Ukraine

The International Sustainability Forum will develop a Green Strategy for Ukraine

The goal of the International Sustainability Forum 2023 (ISF2023) to be held in the Netherlands and Ukraine on September 20–21 is to consolidate stakeholders, in particular the business sector of Ukraine and the EU, international investment banks and funds, as well as executive and legislative authorities, for an effective and practical discussion on what needs to be done to rebuild Ukraine based on the principles of sustainability. The Forum will include interactive panels and presentations of current research, programs, and plans and result in the development of Ukraine's Green Strategy for the next 20 years.

Ukraine's Green Strategy is a strategy for the country's development based on the principles of sustainability, taking into account the requirements of European and Euro-Atlantic integration, international partnership, as well as current challenges. It is a set of initiatives, a clear road map, and a practical action plan that will be created at the International Sustainability Forum 2023 and submitted to the government. The Green Strategy should become a priority and a philosophy for the entire country.

The Forum will engage the following participants:

Government Agencies:

  • Ministry for Communities, Territories, and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine
  • Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine
  • Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine
  • Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Financial institutions and funds:

  • IFC
  • EBRD
  • GIZ
  • EDFI
  • EU Platform on Sustainable Finance

Other participants include Ukrainian and international companies from various sectors of the economy, non-governmental organizations and associations, the finance sector, and UN programs.

Quote"The war has set the country’s development back for years, if not decades. Compared to other European countries, Ukraine has to move much faster and not only stand up to the enemy economically but also build a new economy in compliance with European standards, since any threat is first of all an opportunity. Together with international and national governmental and non-governmental partners, we are committed to developing a Green Strategy for Ukraine for the next 20 years, and the starting point for this should be the International Sustainability Forum 2023," says Alina Sokolenko, Head of the Association of Sustainable Development Experts and an international expert on sustainable financing.

The agenda for the first day, September 20, includes challenges and opportunities for the green recovery of Ukraine, requirements of international financiers for businesses in the context of EU regulation, opportunities for Ukrainian companies to enter the international market, and the development of international partnerships to create a sustainable future economy.

The second day of the Forum, September 21, will start with a discussion of the impact of the global green agenda on the Ukraine Green Recovery Plan. Topics on the agenda also include green and resilient urban recovery in Ukraine, green economy transition, the impact of the war on Ukraine's agricultural sector based on the ASDE/WWF survey, financing rebuilding agribusiness in Ukraine: sustainable practices and business ecosystem, etc.

For the full agenda of the forum, please visit the ASDE website.

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