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Drones attacked a Russian missile factory—Defense Intelligence

Drones attacked a Russian missile factory—Defense Intelligence

Drones attacked a Russian missile factory—Defense Intelligence

On October 1, 2023, an attack on the Smolensk Aviation Plant disrupted the production of various versions of Kh-59 missiles, according to Ukrainian Defense Intelligence.

Quote"According to confirmed data, three out of four drones hit the target, causing significant damage to the production facilities of the aggressor country’s military enterprise," the message says.

The aviation plant was known to have been awarded government contracts up until 2025.

The October 1, 2023, drone attack on the Smolensk Aviation Plant (video):

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The Kh-59 missile has been most extensively used by the Russian Aerospace Forces to target military and civilian facilities in Ukraine.

Provinces most affected by this weapon include the Chernihiv, Sumy, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions.


  • Kh-59 is a Soviet- and Russian-made high-precision medium-range air-launched cruise missile. It is used against important land and surface objects protected by air defense systems, which can be visually identified by the operator at daytime under
  • favorable weather conditions. There are also 24-hour and anti-ship versions.
Drones attacked a Russian missile factory—Defense Intelligence

Drones attacked a Russian missile factory—Defense Intelligence


  • Length, m: 4.2–5.37
  • Wingspan, m: 1.26–2.45
  • Diameter, m: 0.38–0.4
  • Starting mass, kg: 760–930
  • Warhead: penetrating shaped-charge fragmentation, cluster, or nuclear
  • Warhead weight, kg:
  • penetrating: 148–320
  • cluster: 280–310
  • Missile speed: 750–1,050 km/h
  • M = 0.72–0.88
  • Maximum operational range, km: 40–290
  • Minimum operational range, km: 5–25
  • Flight altitude, m: 4–1,100
  • Launch altitude, m: 200–11,000
  • Platforms: Su-24M, Su-17M3/22M4, Su-25, Su-30, Su-34, Su-27SM, Su-35, Su-57
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