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Mobilization in Ukraine: who will the law on reservists be applied to

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a law allowing to call up reservists for military service without announcing mobilization during a special period. Such a decision will make it possible to fill the ranks of the military units and increase the state's combat capability in the event of the military aggression escalation in Donbas.

This was reported by the press service of the Office of the President.

In particular, the law introduces a new type of military service—upon call up from among the reservists in a special period without announcing mobilization.

Who are the reservists

It is about citizens who, on their own initiative, entered into contracts for service in the military reserve or were automatically enrolled in the priority operational reserve after being dismissed from compulsory military service or conscription military service during mobilization.

The decision on their call up will be made by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, he will also determine the categories of reservists who need to be called up. In particular, the decision will indicate the tasks, amount, time, and procedure for the conscription.

The reservists called up during the special period will be subject to the labor, social, legal and educational guarantees provided for the draftees.

At the same time, the law imposes criminal liability for draft evasion during a special period, from military registration or training (special) assembly.

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