Power unit No. 3 of the South-Ukrainian NPP has been equipped with a new system of forced pressure relief from the hermetic enclosure system of the reactor plant equipment.
"The system of forced filtered discharge of the steam-gas mixture from the containment is included in the list of post-Fukushima measures. It is designed to prevent damage to reinforced concrete structures and to help reduce emissions into the environment in the case of an accident," the press service of NNEGC Energoatom reports.
Energoatom plans to put such a system into operation at all VVER-1000 power units of the B-320 series during the current year, NNEGC reports.
The innovation has a two-stage filtration. The first stage is a liquid phase, the second phase is metal-fiber filters. This provides 99.99% cleaning of emissions for all types of aerosols and 99.5% for gaseous iodine.
The possibility of the pressure occurrence, capable of destroying the containment of VVER-type reactors that are operated in Ukraine, even in severe accidents, is scanty.
The installation and testing of the system was completed in December 2020, and the system is now in operation.
In Ukraine, this technology was introduced for the first time within the project of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Euroatom, as well as the Complex Safety Upgrade Program of Power Units of Nuclear Power Plants.
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