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The Cabinet of Ministers adopted the main vectors of the state budget for 2022-2024: top-9 priorities of the Ministry of Finance


At an extraordinary meeting on May 31, 2021, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the budget declaration. The declaration has a direct bearing on creating the state budget of Ukraine and is drafted for 2022-2024, the Ministry of Finance reported. However, the Ministry has not yet provided specific data.

What is a budget declaration

The budget declaration is the government's actual vision of state budgetary policy in the medium term. The declaration contains the main budget indicators, the goals of state policy in the relevant area with indicators of their achievement. The document is the basis for the formation of the state budget of Ukraine for 2022.

Overall directions of state budgets for 2022-2024:

  • maintaining macroeconomic stability in Ukraine;
  • stimulating the economy in order to overcome the negative consequences of the coronavirus pandemic and the quarantine caused by it;
  • creating fiscal space for financing key priority areas.

The main areas of state budgets for 2022-2024 according to the economy sectors:

  • strengthening the defense capability and security of the state;
  • developing the agroindustrial complex;
  • creating a clean and safe environment;
  • developing administrative services and their digitalization;
  • increasing energy independence;
  • creating an effective and perfect system for the implementation of social assistance and pension provision for the population;
  • providing quality, modern, accessible and inclusive education;
  • ensuring the quality healthcare;
  • increasing the level of transparency in public finance management.

The text of the declaration is not yet available. The Ministry promised to submit it to parliament for consideration within the time stated by law.

Context. Rada approved the state budget of Ukraine for 2021 in December 2020.

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