Born October 12, 1957 in Kirovohrad (now: Kropyvnytskyi).
Education: Kirovohrad Institute of Agricultural Engineering.
Oleksandr Tabalov is a co-owner of the Voloshkove Pole, a dairy company that is one of the top 10 milk processors which produces butter and cheese. The company is registered in Kropyvnytskyi.
The official producer of TM "Voloshkove Pole" is Yuria PJSC in Cherkasy.
Production capacity of the company is processing up to 410 tons of raw materials per day.
The Dairy Company Voloshkove Pole includes Pervomaisk milk canning plant in Mykolaiv region. It produces canned goods, cheese and condensed milk.
Tabalov is a co-owner of TM "Formula Smaku" (Kropyvnytskyi) that controls about 6% of the country's bread market. Formula Smaku includes Kryvorizhkhlib PJSC, Mykolaiv Bakery No. 1 LLC, Nezhinsky Khlib OJSC, Cherkasykhlib LTD and Chernihiv Bakery LLC.
Every month, the enterprises (almost 10 thousand employees) produce about 10,000 tons of bakery products. The general assortment presents more than 300 types of bakery and 400 types of confectionery.
Tabalov is indicated as the beneficiary of 22 enterprises::
Dominion-K LLC in Kropyvnytskyi. The company includes Poltavakhlib.
Kolos Trade Invest, Dobrohlib Group, Active-2005, Gastronom 0919 in Kyiv. Their activity is indicated as buying, selling and leasing out real estate.
EldoradoLLC in Kropyvnytskyi. The company also leases out its own or leased property.
Asset Management Company Formula Invest LLC, registered in Kyiv. The company works with asset management.
Nadiia Nova PJSC, Poltava-Khlib LLC, Nadiia, and Olto are registered in Kropyvnytskyi. All the companies work with crop cultivation.
Agricultural companies Tiasmin LLC and Iskra grow grain in the Cherkasy region.
Batkyvshchyna LLC grows grain in the Mykolaiv region.
Formula-Agro LLC in Kropyvnytskyi. The company provides consulting services on business and management.
Milk Trade Plus LLC in Kropyvnytskyi. The company works with wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco.
Lavikom Plus LLC in Kyiv. The company works with research and experimental development in social and human sciences.
Yuria-Trans in Cherkasy, a subsidiary that works with cargo transportation.
Yuria-2 in Cherkasy, a subsidiary that worksd with retail sale of food, beverages and tobacco.
Olympia in Kropyvnytskyi, it is indicated that is works with bars.
Also, Tabalov Sr. is a co-owner of the public organization Sports Club Budokan-Kai in Kropyvnytskyi. The company provides teaching karate service.
Until 1992, Tabalov worked as a mechanical engineer in an inter-regional administration of Orgvodokanal and in the self-supporting structure Ukratraktsyon that was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture.
In 1992, he founded Formula, a production association.
In 1995, Tabalov opened the first bakery.
Since 2001, he has been the head of the Kirovohrad Bakery Plant. According to the media, he acquired the "bread asset" thanks to his friendship with Vasyl Mukhin, the mayor of Kirovohrad at that time. At the same time, Tabalov’s brother Serhii was the deputy mayor of Kirovohrad.
In 2002, Tabalov ran for parliament elections as a self-nominated candidate. He failed.
In 2006, he became a candidate for the mayor of Kirovohrad. According to opinion polls, he was one of the three leaders in the electoral votes. On the election day, he was removed from the list due to the accusation of illegal campaigning.
In 2006, he ran for the Verkhovna Rada from Liberal Party of Ukraine, but failed.
In 2012, Tabalov Sr., along with his son Andrii, were elected people's deputies from Batkivshchyna party.
But, as soon as the politicians got a mandate, they refused to be part of the faction, so they received the nickname of "first cross-over deputies." It did not stop Tabalov from being a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Budget.
Novoe Vremia magazine and Dragon Capital estimate Tabalov’s fortune at $51 million. He closes the rating of the TOP-100 richest Ukrainians.
Former people's deputy, a member of Paty of the Regions. In 2012-2018, Khomutynnik and Tabalov were business partners at Poltava-Khlib LLC.
Arseniy Yatsenyuk
politician, former prime minister
In 2010-2012, Tabalov's son Andrii represented the Kirovohrad regional branch of the party "Front Zmin" that was headed by Yatsenyuk.
Dmytro Tabachnyk
minister of Education and Science during the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych
The media wrote that Oleksandr Tabalov befriended with Tabachnyk due to the common interests, as both of them collect paintings and antiques.
Also, according to the Nashi Groshi investigation, both politicians are neighbors in Koncha-Zaspa. Their houses are located next to each other in Kozyn, Kyiv region.
Olexandr Tabalov's son Serhii was listed as an assistant at the people's deputy of the 6th convocation Tabachnyk (2007-2012).
Oleksii Reva
former member of the Party of Regions, mayor of Bakhmut, Donetsk region
Marina Reva, a daughter-in-law of Oleksii Reva, is a business partner of Oleksandr Tabalov in RTK Active.
Marina's husband Dmitry Reva ran for the 2019 parliament elections from the Opposition Bloc, but failed.
RTK Asset is featured in criminal proceedings that was under investigation initiated by the SBU in the Donetsk region in 2016-2018. The company is allegedly controlled by officials from Bakhmut (Donetsk region) who were using a number of enterprises to evade taxes.
Associated companies
Ukrproddonservis LLC and Servistorgprom LLC are companies registered at the same address in Kropyvnytskyi as Milk Trade Service LLC and Formula Vkusa Trading House LLC.
The ultimate beneficial owners of the latter are Oleksandr Tabalov and his son Andrii. In public procurement competitions, the companies pretended to be competitors.
In December 2019, the AMCU fined Ukrproddonservis and Servistorgprom UAH 1.5 million for fraud during tenders for purchasing food for schools and kindergartens of the city.
Tabalov's wife and their two sons are listed as co-owners in almost all the companies owned by Tabalov.
Son: Andrii Tabalov, born January 8, 1978. His account in Facebook. Since 2016, Tabalov Jr. has been working as Secretary of the City Council of Kropyvnytskyi. During the local elections, he was running for the party Our Land.
Son: Serhii Tabalov, born June 11, 1985. In 2008, Serhii Tabalov was mentioned in the media as the youngest antique market expert. Being just 22 years old, he was an art dealer and director of Artkapital gallery. He graduated from the Faculty of Art History at the University of Essex, UK, and studied at the Sotheby’s Institute of Arts with a degree in Theory and Practice of Art Dealership.
Information in the verification process
In 2015, Nashi Groshi reporters filmed a story about Ukrlityidobycha, a company that owns the Polokhiv complex ore deposit. There is one of the largest lithium reserves in the country. Previously, the company was managed by people from the orbit of Yurii Ivaniushchenko and Oleksii Azarov. Now, it is under control of Ivan Zakharov, a manager of Oleksandr Tabalov and his son Andrii.
In 2019, according to media reports, the company Odesskyy Karavai got under the control of Cherkasykhlib LTD. This company belongs to Oleksandr Tabalov who, together with Sberbank, is involved in a lawsuit against Lauffer Group, the owners of the Odesskyy Karavai.
Tabalov is fond of fine art. He has collected a collection of valuable paintings and drawings by I. Pokhitonov, A. Nuremberg, F. Kozachinsky, P. Gansky and other artists from his region.
Information in the verification process
In 2015, Tabalov’s company Dobrokhlib Group was featured in the criminal investigation as an enterprise with signs of fictitiousness. According to the court ruling, the company money was transferred through a series of firms to ORDLO (temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine).
Another criminal proceedings has been investigated since 2019 by the GBR in Mykolaiv. It is suspected that in 2018-2019, unidentified persons had bought a dozen companies for tax fraud. The companies provide the enterprises of Oleksandr Tabalov (Yuria, Olto, Tiasmin and the bakeries) with the services of illegally formation of VAT tax credit in particularly large amounts.
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